Carnegie Mellon University


1. Please fill out and send the TPS form to your advisor's admin. 

2. The admin will set up a CMU/Crowdsource account for you, and load the requested funds. Please specify which platform you are requesting an account on.

If you are unsure of the answers to any questions in this form, please provide your best estimate or contact the admin. The form must be complete and the admin may ask for additional information. All crowdsource studies must have your advisor's approval and must be signed by Krista McGuigan.


* For any approved request requiring $3,000 or over, an additional form called "Bid Checklist" is required. If your study falls within this requirement, please contact your advisor's admin. 

* Due to security issues, you cannot set up an account yourself. 

TPS Form: 
Bid Checklist (over 3k):