Carnegie Mellon University

Daniel Fried

Daniel Fried

Assistant Professor, Language Technologies Institute

  • 6411 —Gates & Hillman Centers

Daniel Fried is an Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University’s Language Technologies Institute (LTI), where he focuses on enabling people to use language to get computers to carry out useful tasks in grounded and interactive settings. One recurring theme in his work is pragmatics: viewing language as an action that people take in context to affect their communicative partners. Recently, he has been focusing on code generation, aiming to make programming more communicative; and LLM agents, aiming to make them better collaborators.

Previously, Fried was a visiting researcher at Facebook AI Research and a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Washington. He completed a PhD at UC Berkeley in the NLP Group and the Berkeley AI Research Lab, an M.Phil. at the Cambridge Computer Laboratory and a B.S. at the University of Arizona.

At CMU, Fried teaches courses in code generation, multimodal machine learning, and NLP. He has received accolades including the Okawa Research Award and the Google Ph.D. Fellowship in NLP. He actively contributes to open-source code generation and multimodal models and benchmarks for the AI, ML, and NLP research communities.

  • Conversational AI
  • Discourse and Pragmatics
  • Intelligent Agents and Dialogue
  • Multimodal AI
  • Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics